Kącik rodzica - Midori Pre-school - Przedszkole Warszawa Wilanów Królewski
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Parent's corner

How to prepare a child for kindergarten?


Adaptation is facilitated by:

  • Talking about the advantages of kindergarten – new friends, a lot of new toys, a teacher who likes children, knows interesting games, rhymes and songs
  • Explaining to the child why he or she will go to kindergarten (e.g. parents go to work and the child has his own job, i.e. kindergarten)
  • Reading stories whose characters go to kindergarten
  • Talking about kindergarten with other children who like their kindergarten
  • Different daily schedule at home and in kindergarten


Adaptation is hindered by:

  • Remorse, anxiety of parents, fear for the child
  • Ignorance and lack of trust in the facility, staff
  • Lack of social experience of the child in contacts with other peers and adults
  • Helping the child in activities related to self-care, overprotection
  • Scaring people with kindergarten, ladies in kindergarten
  • Leaving the child immediately for the whole day, until the kindergarten closes
  • Lack of time for the child, rush, nervousness
  • Lack of understanding that starting a new stage in a child's life can be very difficult for them and associated with great stress that is relieved in various ways
  • Cheating on the child about the moment of picking up the child from kindergarten
Data dodania: 2024-07-11 13:55:00
Data edycji: 2024-07-11 13:57:32
Ilość wyświetleń: 544
zielony napis Happy Childhood

When the child laughs the whole world laughs

Janusz Korczak
godło Polski - link do strony głównej

02-956 Warszawa Wilanów

ul. Rumiana 86

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