Płatne językowe przedszkole z psychologiem na Wilanowie | Nasza oferta | Midori Pre-school
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As part of everyday care, we offer a package of classes:

  • English classes with native speaker teacher (immersion method)
  • German
  • Didactic classes in accordance with the Ministry of Education - REGGIO EMILIO APPROACH
  • Sensory Activities - these are modern and innovative activities supporting children's development by stimulating all the senses.
  • We teach reading by Jolly Phonics Method
  • Musical classes in Polish and English
  • Gymnastics with elements of correction exercises
  • Arts and crafts workshops
  • Cooperation with cultural centers (opera, theater, philharmonic hall, cinema)
  • participation in music concerts and theatrical performances
  • „Little scientist corner” - experimental classes
  • Cooperation with „Wesoły Uniwersytet” - nature and astronomy workshops http://wesolyuniwersytet.pl/ 
  • Teaching about the culture of different countries
  • Innovative programs, e.g. Tablit project - is an innovative preschool education program based on the project method and the Questioning the Author (QtA) dialogue modeling technique, 'Witaminki' project - an educational project promoting healthy eating habits
  • "Little Cook" workshops


We also offer additional classes:

Data dodania: 2017-01-12 21:25:32
Data edycji: 2024-10-08 22:39:23
Ilość wyświetleń: 13467
zielony napis Happy Childhood

When the child laughs the whole world laughs

Janusz Korczak
godło Polski - link do strony głównej

02-956 Warszawa Wilanów

ul. Rumiana 86

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